An industrial area out in Kowloon.
The air thick with pollution from mainland factories.
It's here Hongkong is happening.
Old warehouses and factory buildings are being turned
into music studios and design studios.
Young, creative hongkongers are out in areas like this
it's far from the glittery and pretense of Lan Kwan Fong.
Or the karaoke-like fake world of Wanchai.
In every respect.
Some of the future's most important musicians
and designers will come out of here.
Some will go on to NY, London, Paris, others to Shanghai and Beijing perhaps.
Many will stay here.
Others will disappear into anonymous jobs in offices or factories.
Their day jobs.
The fire in the belly slowly burning out.
This is where I saw InLove record live in front of a small audience.
Three immensely talented musicians doing their own original material.
I didn't understand a word.
I felt.
I felt the fire in my old belly still burning.
I guess I never grew up.