It's a dog's life

Somebody up there loves dogs.
Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge loved dogs.
She left behind an obviously generous endowment which runs
St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Shelters.
They do accept donations too.
It's expensive to look after dogs after all.
It's a large complex of beautiful old buildings with vast open lands around.
The dogs and cats that find new owners will probably never live as well as they live here.
Here they are guaranteed to be well taken care of. They have space, food and dog friends.
The wonderful people who work there love their animals.
I'm sure there have been many bitter-sweet good-byes.
Personally I fell in love with all of the dogs.
Most of them mutts. Coming mostly from Mississippi and Puerto Rico they told us.
And I sort of wished for a while I was a stray dog myself.
In times like these it's good to know there's a meal three times a day.
