Brand parade

What would the Thanksgiving Parade be without brands?
Without famous, well known and loved characters?

Oh, looooook, there's this, and there's he, and she, and I love snoopy,
look, Shreeeeeeeeeeeeek.
Aba, look. I love Shrek.
Isn't his the biggest balloon.
Yes, he's the biggest of them all. So cool.

And now brands and the big idea is dead, they say.
The people who think the internet will change they way we think, feel, love and poop.
Just because things are getting more fragmented we will change?

Wasn't that how it was before network TV? Before mass-media?
Life was very fragmented until we invented broadcasting technology
and the devices on which to witness it all, together.

We still read books written hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
And find them meaningful, entertaining and relevant.

One bestseller is even like a few thousands of years old.
We don't seem to have changed that much over the centuries.
And I promise you. We won't change that much in the next 100 years either.
Internet or not.

The problem with the so called digital era is that everyone's so confused.
Which leaves the road open to charlatans and big blabbering jaws.

In an article I read this morning, an article somehow questioning the relevance of Saatchi,
and Roberts, who's running the agency, the talk is about the death of the Big Idea.
And the birth of the Small idea.

Big ideas are ideas that contains a myriad of small ideas.
That's the whole bloody idea with Big Ideas.
If not, it's not a big idea. Stupid.

I'm so tired of all those idiots commenting on stuff they simply don't know crap about.
Just because they think they know something about the digital landscape.
Angina Digitalis. The heart of the problem.

We're still going to need stuff to like, to believe in, to identify with, etc.
In as many a ways as possible.

Nike didn't run their tag line alone over and over again. They just didn't.
Their agencies kept coming up with yet another after another great small idea. As part of the Big Idea.
And it translated beautifully to the web too.

Now, of course, I don't disagree with those who might believe the ideas will soon
come from the modern digital shops rather than from the old TV behemoths.
It's a matter of where the talent goes. and where clients think they will get the stuff.

About who comes up with the best Big Idea, and the small ones too follow.

By the way, have you noticed that the internet is not at all as fragmented as it may seem?
E-bay, Amazon, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn, and a few more dominate the world.
In China they have a few "local" giants on the same scale.

It's like business as usual.
There are the huge almighty megabrands, and then every town and village has it's own little family businesses in every and all category of commerce.

The web is simply a virtual representation of life as it almost always has been.
just a bit more digital.

Recognize the feet?
